2012年5月25日 星期五

必殺技 : 雄獅博兔 ; 卡拉揚 在 巴黎 ( 45轉 -180G厚身限量版 SUPER DAM 技術 ) / KARAJAN IN PARIS

                          ( EMI-TOSHIBA SUPER DAM LP , DOR-0101 )

1~2 : 比才 -阿萊城姑娘 第2組曲選曲 (Bizet :L,arlesienne Suit no. 2 )
A. Menut
b. Farandole
3 :夏里耶 - 西班牙狂想曲 (Chabier : Espana Rhapsody )

1~4 :古諾- 浮士德 芭蕾 (Gounod : Faust ballet )
a. dance of cleopatra and her slaves
b. dance of the trojan maidens 
c. mirror dance 
d. dance of phryne
5 : 白遼士- 匈牙利進行曲
Berlioz: hungarian march

Karajan /BP

不管你喜歡不歡 karajan ,連本片這種通俗小品他也會驅使柏林愛樂以雄獅博方式完美演出,無懈可擊得

以原來 33轉的舊片作比較 ,由日本東芝的技師泡製 DAM 45轉的新片動態及兩端延申有明顯

2012年5月22日 星期二

阿諾德 二首 長笛協奏曲 / Arnold---Concerto for Flute & Strings; Flute Concerto no.2; Serenade for Small Orch.; Sinfonietta III

                    ( EMI ASD3868 1980年 LP )

Concerto For Flute And Strings, Op. 45
Flute Concerto No. 2, Op. 111
Serenade For Small Orchestra
Sinfonietta III ,OP. 81

Malcolm Arnold (21 October 1921 – 23 September 2006)

                                             wiki : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Arnold

1957年,阿諾德獲得奧斯卡音樂獎-大衛連 ( David Lean ) 電影 桂河的大橋 (The Bridge on the River Kwai )   

2012年5月21日 星期一

英倫歌姬 卡蘿姬 — 同名專輯 / Carol Kidd – Carol Kidd

                         (LINN Label:Aloi Records – AKH003  1984年 LP )

Tracklist .
A1  Then I'll Be Tired Of You   
A2  We'll Be Together Again   
A3  You Go To My Head   
A4  It Isn't So Bad    
A5  The More I See You   
A6  I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face   
A7  Yes, I Know When I've Had It   
A8  Waltz For Debbie   
B1  Never Let Me Go   
B2  Like Someone In Love   
B3  Trouble Is A Man   
B4  I'm Shadowing You   
B5  Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most   
B6  I Like To Recognise The Tune 

Carol Kidd,  (born 1945)

聽 Carol Kidd 唱歌是快樂的,以前我特別會搬出 marantz 7c 和 8b 的真空管銘器,喇叭用 bbc 的3/5a、唱盤當然是  Linn 的 LP 12。先聽其它的音樂,再聽 Carol Kidd。

Carol Kidd 長得像 007電影擔任龐德上司M夫人的茱蒂丹琪( Judi Dench ) 是典型的英國大嬸,聲音卻嬌羞有如少女,確實令人訝異。但,太多人去強調這種不對稱,有必要嗎?

Carol Kidd 聲音多嬌、樂友口袋競拆腰。畢竟掏錢只為了聽聲音,又不是找老婆。

2012年5月19日 星期六

1974年 奧斯卡獎提名 電影 「小提琴 」 原聲帶 / Music from the film "The violin" [and folk songs and dances from around the world]- Maurice Solway

                           ( RCA: KSL1-7077 ,1973年  CANADA LP )



Maurice Solway (b Toronto 10 Mar 1908 )

Solway, Maurice. Violinist, teacher, b Toronto 10 Mar 1908. He began violin studies at 4 and entered the University of Toronto Faculty of Music at 15. He played 1923-6 in the New SO (later TSO) and 1933-49 in the TSO. He studied violin 1926-8 with Eugène Ysaÿe in Brussels and made his concert debut there in 1928. In 1947 he founded the Solway String Quartet, with Jacob Groob (and successively Charles Dobias and Berul Sugarman) as second violin, Robert Warburton (and in turn Ivan Romanoffand Eugene Hudson) as viola, and Marcus Adeney as cello. The quartet gave public and CBC concerts until 1968 and toured small Ontario towns for the Dept of Education. Its programs mixed standard repertoire with arrangements of familiar tunes, quartets by CoulthardGayfer, MacMillan andWeinzweig, and other works by Applebaum, CableLeo Smith, and Willan. With Andrés Segovia the Solway String Quartet gave the Canadian premiere (25 Jan 1952) of the Castelnuovo-Tedesco Guitar Quintet. Solway began to compose in 1956 and has produced some 40 works for solo violin or piano. Several have been published by BMI Canada, Boosey & Hawkes, and E.C. Kerby. He premiered hisViolin Concerto in Baroque Style at the RCMT 24 Nov 1988. He has also given lecture-recitals at the RCMT in 1981 and 1984 in honour of Eugène Ysaÿe.
Solway has appeared in two films: The Violin (1973), for which he composed the music and which won numerous honours, including an Academy Award nomination; and Divertimento (1974) to music of Mozart. Robert Thomas Allen's book version of The Violin, illustrated with stills from the film, is published (Toronto 1976), and the music may be heard on the LP Music from the Film The Violin and Folk Songs and Dances from around the World (1973, RCA KXL1-0029).

The Violin 
Also known as: Le Violon 
Canada 1973 30min 
 Directed by: George Pastic 

科林·霍斯利 演奏 約翰.愛爾蘭 鋼琴協奏曲 & 史特汶斯基 隨想曲 / Colin Horsley plays Ireland: Piano Concerto in E flat / , Stravinsky: Capriccio

                               (EMI -HMV  CLP II82 ,1958年 MONO  LP )

LP-A:Ireland: Piano Concerto in E flat
LP-B:Stravinsky: Capriccio

Colin Horsley (PIANO) 
Basil Cameron conductor Royal Philharmonic

Colin Robert Horsley OBE (23 April 1920 – 28 July 2012) was a New Zealand classical pianist

2012年5月16日 星期三

馬利納爵士 指揮聖馬丁室樂 / 馬丁 : 小交響協奏曲 & 布洛赫 : 大協奏曲 / MARTIN : Petite Symphonie Concertante & BLOCH : Concerto Grosso

                                    ( EMI ASD 3732 1980 年 LP )             

MARTIN  :Petite Symphonie Concertante 

 BLOCH: Concerto Grosso


                                          Sir Neville Marriner (born 15 April 1924)

2012年5月3日 星期四

馬捷爾指揮維也納愛樂- 柴可夫斯基 NO.3 交響曲 “ 波蘭  ” /LORIN MAAZEL / TCHAIKOVSKY Third Symphony "Polish" 

( London LP CS-6428 英國版 /  ED 2 ,FFRR GROOVER )

 (born March 6, 1930)


ps ) 有樂友email 通知 LORIN MAAZEL / TCHAIKOVSKY  Symphonies已出CD,查了是真的! 很報歉一時筆誤。現把試聽link刪除,請購買cd即可。