2021年6月30日 星期三

萊納 ( 指揮 ),畢亞第高斯基 ( 大提琴 ) 演奏 李查.史特勞斯 : 唐詰訶德 OP. 35 /RICHARD STRAUSS : DON QUIXOTE OP. 35 - Gregor Piatigorsky ( Cello) ,conducted by Fritz Reiner


               ( Columbia Entré RL 3027,1941年 LP )

Don Quixote ("Variations On A Theme Of Knightly Character")
A1a Introduction
A1b Variations 1, 2, 3
B1a Variations 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
B1b Finale

Soloist, Cello – Gregor Piatigorsky
Soloist, Viola – Vladimir Bakaleinikoff
Soloist, Violin – Henri Temianka
Conductor – Fritz Reiner
Orchestra – The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Gregor Piatigorsky ( April 17  April 4 1903 – August 6  1976 ) was a Russian-born Americancellist.

Fritz Reiner (December 19, 1888 – November 15, 1963) was a prominent conductor of opera and symphonic music in the twentieth century. Hungarian born and trained, he emigrated to the United States in 1922, where he rose to prominence as a conductor with several orchestras. He reached the pinnacle of his career while music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in the 1950s and early 1960s.

萊納 Fritz Reiner  另一 史特勞斯  : 唐詰訶德 OP. 35 錄音 (RCA LSS 2384 )

2021年6月29日 星期二

越智敬 ( 曼陀林) 演奏 貝多芬 ,西西林,胡麥爾 : 曼陀林與大鍵琴 、鋼琴 作品 / Music for mandolin and harpsichord or piano ( Beethoven; Cecere; Hummel ) -Takashi Ochi ( mandolin ) ,Wilhelm Krumbach ( harpsichord or piano )


( MHS 7528A , 1987年 LP )

越智敬 ( Takashi Ochi ) 是日本盛名 曼陀林 演奏家他致力 曼陀林 演奏與教學不遺餘力,吉他家 Narciso Yepes 錄製 維瓦第 曼陀林 協奏曲時也特別商請 越智敬 ( D G ‎– 2530 211,1972年 LP )

本唱片是只以 大鍵琴 或鋼琴伴奏顯得簡單又清新,有 Beethoven; Cecere; Hummel 的作品,尤其 Beethoven 這是他僅有的四首 曼陀林作品更彌足珍貴。

Takashi Ochi ( 越智敬 ) (October 30, 1934   ~14 November 2010  ) was a German - Japanese mandolin player and music teacher .

2021年6月28日 星期一

魯賓斯坦 演奏 舒伯特 : NO. 21 鋼琴奏鳴曲 D. 960 / Schubert : NO. 21 Sonata In B Flat, Op. Posth. D. 960 - Arthur Rubinstein ( Piano )


                        ( RCA LSC 3122 ,1969年 LP )

Sonata In B-Flat Op. Posth., D. 960
LP-A I. Molto Moderato 15:32
LP-B1 II. Andante Sostenuto 10:40
B2 III. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace Con Delicatezza 4:22
B3 IV. Allegro, Ma Non Troppo 7:56

Piano – Arthur Rubinstein

Arthur Rubinstein (Polish: Artur Rubinstein; January 28, 1887 – December 20, 1982) was a Polish American classical pianist. 

2021年6月27日 星期日

托斯卡尼尼 指揮 穆索斯基-拉威爾編曲 : 博覽會之畫 , 法朗克 : 賽姬 / Moussorgsky - Ravel : Pictures At An Exhibition ,Franck : Psyche And Eros - conducted by Arturo Toscanini


        ( RCA LM 1838,1954年 LP ) Pictures At An Exhibition recorded on January 26, 1953 in Carnegie Hall

博覽會之畫的管紘版以 Ravel 編曲最有名,其它版本如 Stokowski 、Henry Wood 、Elgar Howarth ( for brass ) 、Wills (for organ) ,甚至 Ashkenazy 也參一脚也有自編版本和錄音 ( DECCA 414 386-2 ),但是老實説 仍是 Ravel  管紘配器最精湛。當時委託 Ravel 編曲的 Koussevitzky  也有 1944年錄音 (  NAXOS   8.110105 ) 聽下來其實只有歷史意義而已。

長年來反覆聽過衆多録音 ,必須説 托斯卡尼尼  錄於 Carnegie Hall  1953年的 本唱片 始終是最佳的版本。不管 妙 的 No. 5 "The Ballet of Unhatched Chicks in their Shells"( 雛雞 ) 或進入宏偉的 No. 10 "The Great Gate of Kiev" ( 基輔城門 ),在獨奏或合奏 上管紘技法無懈可擊。Arturo Toscanini / NBC Symphony Orchestra 在此演奏堪稱範本。要挑缺點就只剩這是 老舊MONO 錄音而已。

當然也有 STEREO 的好錄音如 Solti / CSO ( Decca ),Reiner / CSO  ( Rca ),Giulini /CSO ( DG ),尤其是 Reiner 光輝奪目 和  Solti  的凌厲剛猛 備受推祟。

Pictures At An Exhibition   31:44
A1a Promenade
A1b I. Gnomes – Promenade
A1c II. The OId Castle – Promenade
A1d III. Tuileries
A1e IV. Bydlo – Promenade
A1f V. Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells
A1g VI. Samuel Goldenberg And Schnuyle
A1h VII. The Market Pace At Limoges
A1i VIII. Catacombs: Con Mortuis In Lingua Mortua
B1a IX. The Hut Of Baba Yaga
B1b X. The Great Gate At Kiev
B2 Psyche And Eros (Episode No. 4 From The Symphonic Poem, "Psyche")  8:33

Conductor – Arturo Toscanini
Orchestra – NBC Symphony Orchestra

Arturo Toscanini (March 25, 1867 – January 16, 1957)

Vladimir Horowitz’s daughter arguing with her grandfather, Arturo Toscanini, 1938

2021年6月26日 星期六

史托克 ( 阿貝鳩奈 吉他大提琴 ) ,康塔爾斯基 ( 古鋼琴 ),林德 ( 古長笛 ) 演奏 舒伯特 : 阿貝鳩奈 奏鳴曲 & 長笛,鋼琴變奏曲 / Schubert : Arpeggione-Sonate,Variations For Flute And Piano - Klaus Storck ( Arpeggione ), Alfons Kontarsky ( Fortepiano ),Hans-Martin Linde ( Traversflöte )


         ( ARCHIV 2533 175,1974年 LP ) -  Recorded 9 - 12 January 1974 at Studio Lankwitz, Berlin. 

Arpeggione 翻繹很拗口叫 「阿貝鳩奈琴」,有吉他外型演奏時卻像大提琴一樣夾在兩腿間以弓演奏 ( 請參照唱片封面 ),是一種混合了大提琴和吉它功能的樂器,在音域和音色偏暗一如嘆息是別有韻味。可惜的是曇花一現,歷史上只留下二首作品,包括了舒伯特 專為 Arpeggione 寫下一首 D. 821 傳世,此曲充滿匈牙利風味很優美而深受愛載。也因在不少高音域樂句的確不易用 Arpeggione 表達,所以如今絕大部份用大提琴演出。由  Göran Söllscher 改編 吉它和小提琴 ( Gil Shaham  ) 二重奏  ( DG 471 568-2,2002 CD ) 和 James Galway 以長笛代替, Phillip Moll ( Piano ) ( RCA  RL 70421,1981年 LP ) 都算膽大藝高的罕見版。

Schubert  Arpeggione-Sonate 用大提琴錄音很多,儘管有  Fournier  ( DG 139 368 SLPM ,1967年 LP ), Mainardi ( DG 16043 ,1952年 LP ) 等端正典雅的演奏,但長久以來樂友們的最愛仍是  Lydia Pecherskaya ( RCA LSC 2553,1961年 LP ) 和  Rostropovich  (  Decca ‎ SXL.6426,1961年 LP )。尤其 Rostropovich 和 作曲家 Britten ( Piano ) 性格強烈,演奏最為雄魄壯麗,為愛樂者的基本收藏。

本唱片應就是世界首次 ( 1974年 ) 阿貝鳩奈琴演奏,協奏的樂器也是古樂器完全原汁原味。本來用大提琴等摩登樂器演奏早已不易,用古樂器就更難了。大提琴家 史托克 Klaus Storck  特用  Arpeggione 技巧絕對勝任有餘,而以雙鋼琴出名的 Kontarsky 兄弟中的  Alfons Kontarsky 用古鋼琴 伴奏也相對得體。這是佳片。

個人先是收藏到  ETERNA ‎– 8 27 087 版,後來才又收到 原版 ( ARCHIV 2533 175,1974年 LP ),此錄音品質很好 。ARCHIV  是 DG 的古樂部門,但 ARCHIV  錄音品質水平通常比 DG 高是一般共識。

LP-A Sonata Para Arpeggione Y Piano En La Menor, D. 821 26:20
LP-B Variaciones Para Flauta Y Piano Sobre Flores Secas, Del Ciclo De                        Canciones La Bella Molinera, D. 802 21:15

Cello [Arpeggione] –  
Flute [Traversflöte] – Hans-Martin Linde 
Fortepiano [Hammerflügel] – Alfons Kontarsky

Klaus Storck (born February 11, 1928 in Berlin , † March 18, 2011 in Katowice ) was a German cellist.

Hans-Martin Linde (born May 24, 1930 in Iserlohn, Germany) is a noted virtuoso flute and recorder player of (mainly) baroque and early music.

Aloys (14 May 1931 – 22 August 2017)and Alfons (9 October 1932 – 5 May 2010)[3][4] Kontarsky were German duo-pianist brothers who were associated with a number of important world premieres of contemporary works. They had an international reputation for performing modern music for two pianists, although they also performed the standard repertoire and they sometimes played separately. They were occasionally joined by their younger brother Bernhard in performances of pieces for three pianos. After suffering a stroke in 1983, Aloys retired from performing.

2021年6月25日 星期五

奧曼第 指揮 葛黎雷 : 交響曲 NO. 3 【伊利亞‧慕羅梅茲】 / Glière : Symphony No. 3 【 Ilya Murometz 】-conducted by Eugene Ormandy


                                (  COLUMBIA ML5189, 6-Eye 1956年   LP )

 Glière 較有名的作品包括  The Red Poppy 《紅罌粟》芭蕾舞劇  和   Symphony No. 3 【 Ilya Murometz 】。Ilya Muromets ( 伊利亞‧慕羅梅茲 ) 是俄羅斯傳奇英雄的故事,不僅拍電影、寫音樂、甚至出過電玩。  Symphony No. 3 【 Ilya Murometz 】首   1912年 其編制相當龐大包括了  使用了九支法國號、四支伸縮號與土巴號、三倍的木管樂器、兩部豎琴、鋼片琴以及多種打擊樂器。

顯然的 Eugene Ormandy 很擅長這種長大型的管紘作品,指揮得來從容不迫游刃有餘。【 Ilya Murometz 】曾二次錄音,本唱片是1956年的第一次錄音,已能充分表現他的圓熟性,錄音品質亦上佳。

A1  I. Wandering Pilgrims: Ilya Murometz And Svyatogor (Andante Sostenuto)
( 漂泊的朝聖者:伊利亞與斯維亞托果 )
A2  II. Solovei The Brigand (Andante)
( 山賊索羅維 )

B1  III. Festival In The Palace Of Prince Vladimir (Allegro)
( 維拉狄米爾王子皇宮盛宴 )
B2  IV. The Heroism And Petrification Of Ilya Murometz (Allegro Tumultuoso)
( 結尾:英雄的功績與伊利亞‧慕羅梅茲的石化 )

Eugene Ormandy / Philadelphia Orchestra



Eugene Ormandy (November 18, 1899 – March 12, 1985) was a Hungarian-born conductor and violinist

Ilya Muromets (Russian: Илья́ Му́ромец) is a Kievan Rus' epic hero. He is celebrated in numerous byliny (folk epic poems). 

Eugene Ormandy /  Philadelphia Orchestra 第 二次錄音:

Glière :Symphony No. 3  Ilya Murometz 
( RCA SB 6859   1972年 stereo LP )   

2021年6月24日 星期四

塞爾 指揮 布拉姆斯 : NO. 3 交響曲 / Brahms : Symphony No. 3 In F Major, Op. 90 - conducted by George Szell


                         ( LONDON LL 487,1953年 LP )

Symphony No. 3 In F Major, Op. 90 
A1 1st Mov.: Allegro Con Brio 
A2 2nd Mov.: Andante 
B1 3rd Mov.: Poco Allegretto 
B2 4th Mov.: Allegro 

Conductor – George Szell
Orchestra – The Contertgebouw Orchestra Of Amsterdam

George Szell ( June 7, 1897 – July 30, 1970)

本唱片 DECCA LXT 2676 封面 :

2021年6月23日 星期三

蘇克 三重奏 演奏 舒伯特 : NO. 1鋼琴三重奏,夜曲 / Schubert : Piano Trio No. 1 in B Flat major, Op. 99 (D.898) , Notturno Op. 148 (D.897) 8:35 - Suk Trio ‎


                     ( Supraphon  - Eterna 8 29 960 ,1965年 LP )

Piano Trio No. 1 in B Flat major, Op. 99 (D.898) 
A1 Allegro moderato 14:35
A2 Andante un poco mosso 9:30
B1 Scherzo. Allegro 6:05
B2 Rondo. Allegro vivace 8:35
B3 Notturno, Op. 148 (D.897) 8:35

Cello – Josef Chuchro
Piano – Jan Panenka
Violin – Josef Suk

本唱片 CD :

The Suk Trio was a Czech piano trio founded in 1951 and disbanded in 1990. They made their debut on March 5 at the Rudolfinum Hall in Prague with Josef Suk (violin), Jiří Hubička (piano) and Saša Večtomov (cello). The permanent member of the ensemble was Josef Suk, the grandson of the composer and name sake of the ensemble.