2021年4月18日 星期日

海菲茲 紘樂三重奏 演奏 杜南伊 : 小夜曲 ,海菲茲 ( 小提琴 ),蒙都 ( 指揮 ) 路易斯·古倫伯格 { 首演首錄 } : 鋼琴協奏曲 / Dohnanyi : Serenade In C Major For Violin, Viola, And Cello, Op. 10 - Heifetz Trio,Louis Gruenberg : Violin Concerto Op. 47 - Heifetz ( Violin ),conducted by Monteux


         ( RCA LVT 1017  LP ) ( Trio rec. at RCA Studios, Hollywood, California, on 8 September 1941) & ( Violin Concerto rec. at the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco, on 15 December 1945)

LP-A1 Dohnanyi Serenade In C Major For Violin, Viola, And Cello, Op. 10 
LP-B1  Louis Gruenberg : Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 47 

Violin – Jascha Heifetz
Viola – William Primrose
Cello – Emanuel Feuermann
Conductor – Pierre Monteux
Orchestra – The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

在RCA唱片錄下,Rubinstein (Piano) , Heifetz (Violin) ,Feuerman (Cello) 俗稱 " 百萬三重奏 ",而  Heifetz (Violin) ,Primrose ( Viola ),Feuerman (Cello) 就是" 海菲茲 紘樂三重奏 "。因 Primrose 早逝 ,大提手改為 Gregor Piatigorsky 擔當,名稱不變。不過一般評價仍以原 Feuerman 略勝一籌 是不爭事實。

小夜曲 算是 杜南伊 最有名的室樂,雖叫小夜曲其實就是 紘樂三重奏 。 Heifetz 是位好強的人,演奏協奏曲聚光燈是集中於 他一人身,室仍唯他馬首是瞻,他在前頭跑而其它二位在後面追。這仍然是風格強烈有力演奏,想比較符合 "小夜曲 " 氣氛不妨找由 波奈 ( 小提琴 ),雷多 ( 中提琴 ),皮尼 ( 大提琴 )    ( WESTMINSTER - NIXA WLP 20017  LP ) 。

 Gruenberg : Violin Concerto 是為 Heifetz 而作,Heifetz 是受贈人也是首演人 ( 1944年首演指揮為 Ormandy ),本唱片為1945年首錄片。這首 Violin Concerto 是帶爵士和老式好萊塢電影豪華排場樂的混合產物,事實上第二樂章開頭就有類似Gershwin 那首 Summertime 風格。當然全曲是充滿展技橋段對小提手十分吃重,這畢竟是提獻給 Heifetz 的Heifetz 也的不負所望全場威風八面  "手" 向無敵。但,要挑眼仍是存在的。是不錯聽還是缺少那種一曲入魂的旋律。而且 Gruenberg : Violin Concerto 近40分太臃長了令人不耐。同時代和背影的 Korngold Violin Concerto In D, Op. 35 明顯高上幾班 ( Heifetz  版本 RCA LM 1782 ,1953年 LP 也是最好的)。

本唱曲是罕見曲目又兼 Heifetz  首演首錄片且不常看到,是有收藏價值。至於 Gruenberg : Violin Concerto 建議分段聽,一次一樂章其實也不壞。

本唱片另一封面 :

Jascha Heifetz ( February 2 1901 – December 10, 1987) was a Lithuanian-born American violinist.

William Primrose (23 August 1904 – 1 May 1982) was a Scottish violist and teacher.

Emanuel Feuermann (November 22, 1902, Kolomyya – May 25, 1942, New York City) was an internationally celebrated cellist in the first half of the 20th century.

Pierre Benjamin Monteux ( 4 April 1875 – 1 July 1964)was a French (later American) conductor. 
in 1907. He came to prominence when, for Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes company between 1911 and 1914, he conducted the world premieres of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring and other prominent works including Petrushka, Ravel's Daphnis et Chloé, and Debussy's Jeux. Thereafter he directed orchestras around the world for more than half a century.


