Egon Petri 出生於德國,因父親是荷蘭人有荷蘭公民身份,他卻從未在荷蘭住過且不擅長( 不願意講 )荷蘭語言。雖被歸類於荷裔德國鋼琴家,其實 Petri 可不樂意。
Petri 是 Busoni 的學生,Busoni 對 Petri 相當器重,除了教導琴藝外,還讓他協助編輯 Bach 的鍵盤作品。Busoni 深深影響 Petri 的風格與彈奏。為了感謝恩師,日後演奏會的曲目必然排上 Busoni 的作品在內。
Petri 是蘇聯革命後第一個來自西方訪問的鋼琴家。在40天內舉行了31場音樂會,根據俄國大鋼琴家 Ginzburg 的回憶說造成蘇聯鋼琴界很大震撼,這是Petri事業的最高峰時段。二次大戰時期就專往美國發展且入籍,戰後甚至拒絕再次回德國演奏。雖然有人認為他的演奏方式是屬於落伍的老風格。但,他仍是20世紀卓越鋼琴家之一。Petri 的貝多芬 奏鳴曲備受推祟,其中的 Sonata No.29 "Hammerklavier 漢馬克拉維" (
Westminster XWN 18747,1956年 LP )為精誠所致金石為開的巨作 。
Westminster XWN 18747,1956年 LP )為精誠所致金石為開的巨作 。
( 對於本唱片評論就摘自名樂評家 HAROLD C. SCHONBERG 的文章 )
Published: March 10, 1985
Petri is heard in the Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue, the three ''Petrarch Sonnets'' by Liszt, Busoni's ''Indianisches Tagebuch'' and Medtner's Two Dances and ''Dansa Festiva'' (dell'Arte DA 9009, distributed by German News Company). All of the material on the disk has been taken from radio broadcasts made in Switzerland in 1957- 58. The Franck performance is in stereo. Stereo hit the market in 1959, but record companies and broadcast studios were taking down material on two tracks some time before 1959. Or perhaps this Petri performance was remastered in stereo. The other pieces on the disk are monophonically recorded. No matter. The sound remains very good once the somewhat booming bass is reduced.
Petri was in his 70's at the time, but you wouldn't guess it. The playing is under supreme technical and intellectual control. What he does with the three Liszt ''Petrarch'' pieces should come as a revelation to today's school of pianism. It is not only the magical quality of sound he conjures up, and the way he tosses off the difficulties so that the music sounds simple. More: there is an unforced, constantly singing line; there is a supple organization in which all elements are brilliantly integrated and where the bass lends support to the melodies; there is an understanding of what to emphasize and what to subordinate; there is unfaltering rhythm that is constantly being delicately adjusted for any given situation.
Petri always was recognized as a great Liszt pianist. Now we can listen to the playing of the old master and realize how great he really was. The Franck comes off just as well; and in the shorter pieces Petri seems to be having a good time. Medtner was not a composer usually associated with Petri, but his playing of these trifles is perfectly idiomatic. If ever there was a pianist who used a colossal technique merely as a means to a musical end, it was Egon Petri.
Petri was in his 70's at the time, but you wouldn't guess it. The playing is under supreme technical and intellectual control. What he does with the three Liszt ''Petrarch'' pieces should come as a revelation to today's school of pianism. It is not only the magical quality of sound he conjures up, and the way he tosses off the difficulties so that the music sounds simple. More: there is an unforced, constantly singing line; there is a supple organization in which all elements are brilliantly integrated and where the bass lends support to the melodies; there is an understanding of what to emphasize and what to subordinate; there is unfaltering rhythm that is constantly being delicately adjusted for any given situation.
Petri always was recognized as a great Liszt pianist. Now we can listen to the playing of the old master and realize how great he really was. The Franck comes off just as well; and in the shorter pieces Petri seems to be having a good time. Medtner was not a composer usually associated with Petri, but his playing of these trifles is perfectly idiomatic. If ever there was a pianist who used a colossal technique merely as a means to a musical end, it was Egon Petri.
1 Franck, Césa. Prélude, choral et fugue, piano. *
2 Medtner, Two Dances, op. 20.
1 Medtner, Danza festiva.
2 Busoni, Ferruccio, . Indianisches Tagebuch.
3 Liszt,. Années de pèlerinage, 2e année. Sonetto 47 del Petrarca.
4 Liszt, . Années de pèlerinage, 2e année. Sonetto 104 del Petrarca.
5 Liszt, . Années de pèlerinage, 2e année. Sonetto 123 del Petrarca
Egon Petri (23 March 1881 – 27 May 1962)